Carbon Pricing and Global Partnerships: A Path to Sustainable Transformation Passed
Monday November 18, 2024 10:00 - 10:40 +04 The Swedish Pavilion - Open for public
Partner: Svenskt Näringsliv
Carbon pricing is essential for enabling the long-term transformation of our societies - and soon a requirement for certain industries to be able to trade with the European union.
This event will explore how increasing the number of emissions priced globally can create a case to phase out fossil fuels, make climate solutions more attractive and in a relatively short timeframe enable more economies to trade with Europe as the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is phased in over the coming years. It will also highlight the challenges – and opportunities – that carbon pricing may have on the business sector in emerging economies.
The seminar will gather policymakers and business organisations and serve as a collaborative platform to discuss necessary partnerships ahead to support the implementation of carbon pricing mechanisms.
Moderator: Marie Trogstam, Head of Department for Sustainability and Infrastructure, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv)
- Mattias Frumerie, Sweden's Climate Ambassador and Lead Negotiator for COP29, Government Offices of Sweden
- Thomas Gerassimos , Director General Taxation and Customs Union, European Commission
- Dr. Katja Biedenkopf, General Secretary, GCPC Global Carbon Pricing Challenge
- Leticia Guimaraes, Senior Technical Advisor and Head of Carbon Markets, UNDP
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