Expo 2025: Sweden Autotech Days
Since its inception as the Great Exhibition in 1851, the World Expo has been a platform for the countries of the world to showcase their vision for the future, including technology, culture and international exchange. At Expo 2025 in Osaka, Sweden will be sharing its vision for a future mobility system defined by connectivity, autonomy and sustainability.
The global automotive industry is today facing its largest ever transformation since its emergence more than a century ago, including the rising importance of software, self-driving technologies, connectivity, electrification and alternative fuels and drivetrains. With this shift has emerged entire new categories of crucial technical competencies and sub-suppliers for automotive OEMs - sensors, cloud solutions, vehicle UI, energy management and more are becoming as central to a vehicle’s value proposition as its four wheels.
With a base in its strong heritage in both automotive innovation and ICT leadership, Sweden has emerged as a pioneering nation in this new generation of Automotive industry competencies. Swedish manufacturers, startups and cutting-edge SMEs are global leaders in many of the crucial technology areas defining the future global mobility system.
In the Nordic pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka, Sweden will bring many of these leading companies to meet and discuss with their counterparts from the equally innovative Japanese automotive industry – the third largest in the world, and second largest in Asia. The core of the program will be a high-level conference in the Nordic Pavillion on May 20, including a round-table discussion on the future of mobility technology, company pitches and a networking session. We will also arrange a visit to a leading Japanese company on May 21st, and there is a possibility to combine participation with a visit to the massive Automotive Engineering Expo in Yokohama taking place the same week.
The overall aim of the Sweden Autotech Days is to give Swedish automotive technology suppliers a chance to greatly increase their visibility and create new high-level entry points into the Japanese market, using the platform of the Nordic Pavillion and Swedish Expo participation to signal serious commitment and future leadership in the sector. The events will focus on open discussion, mutual exchange and knowledge sharing to create new connections, a shared vision, and opportunities for future collaboration.
Themes and target audience
The themes that will be in focus during the Swedish Autotech Days include (but are not necessarily limited to)...
- Autonomous mobility
- Sensor technology
- Connectivity and cloud solutions
- Automotive software and control systems
- Safety and security
Japanese stakeholders targeted for attendance is focused on technology leaders and decision-makers from major Japanese OEMs within both passenger, commercial and two-wheeled vehicles, as well as large Tier 1 automotive suppliers, relevant industry associations, policy makers, experts and thought leaders.
May 19th – Individual time at Expo 2025 Osaka (optional)
Optional, outside of program
May 20th – Autotech Expo Day (Nordic Pavillion, Osaka)
10:30 – 12:00: CTO roundtable on future automotive tech. (8-15 main participants)
12:00 – 13:30: Networking Lunch at the pavilion terrace
13:30 – 14:30: Seminar - Keynote presentation and panel discussion
14:30 – 16:00: Pitching Session for Swedish companies
16:00 – 18:00: “Mini-fair”, open networking and one-on-one discussions together with smaller food and drink
May 21st – Japanese company study visit and pitching session
E.g. visit to Toyota Motor Corporation near Nagoya, Woven by Toyota Headquarters in Tokyo or similar
May 22nd-23rd – Attending Automotive Engineering Expo in Yokohama (optional)
Optional and individual attendance outside of the main delegation program
Registration fee and deadline
- Participation is by invitation only.
- The cost for participation for SME companies is 50 000 SEK excl. VAT. per company.
- The fee covers
- For your company to participate in the full Autotech Days program during May 20th - 21st, with up to two (2) company representatives, including entry to the Expo site on May 20th.
- Transportation, meals and other arrangements within the scope of the program
- The fee does not cover
- Participation in Automotive Engineering Expo Yokohama (separate event).
- Entrance to the World Expo site on any other day than on May 20th.
- Airfare, accommodation, transfer or any other arrangements outside of the main program
- Registration deadline is on March 20th
- Please note that your participation is final upon signing the binding agreement which you will receive by email after registration.
Register here
Nordic Pavilion