Header image for Sweden Indo-Pacific Business Summit

Tentative Programme

Tuesday, December 5th, 2023

Venue: Sofitel Singapore Sentosa Resort, 2 Bukit Manis Rd, Sentosa

Dress Code: Business Formal Attire (jacket with tie)


Registration and coffee


Morning session on liveable cities and climate resilience 

How Sweden and Singapore can work together on building and developing climate resilient and livable cities that are centers for world-leading innovation.  

Opening remarks on the Climate Emergency 

  • Prof. Benjamin Horton, Director of the Earth Observatory of Singapore and the Asian School of the Environment in Nanyang Technological University (moderator for this session)  


  • Ms. Jacqueline Poh, MD, Economic Development Board (EDB) of Singapore  

  • Ms. Darja Isaksson, DG, Vinnova – Sweden’s Innovation Agency 

  • Mr. Robert Andrén, DG, Swedish Energy Agency 

  • Prof. Yeoh Lean Weng, Chief Sustainability Officer, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore 



Coffee break


Official opening of the Sweden Indo-Pacific Business Summit  

Welcome remarks 

  • Mr. Anders Sjöberg, Ambassador of Sweden to Singapore 

  • Mr. Jan Larsson, CEO, Business Sweden  

Keynote address 

  • Mr. Johan Forssell, Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden  

  • Mr. Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policy

Signing and launch ceremonies

Regional outlook on economics, politics, digitisation and sustainability 


  • Dr. Taimur Baig, Chief Economist, DBS 

Outlook on emerging technologies 


  • Mr. Emil Akander, Trade Commissioner and Head of Region South and Southeast Asia, Business Sweden 


  • Mr. Tan Peng Yam, Chief Defense Scientist at the Singapore Ministry of Defense  

  • Mr. Micael Johansson, CEO, Saab Group 

  • Mr. Magnus Ewerbring, CTO APAC, Ericsson 

On stage conversation on the Green Transition 

How to engage the private sector, primarily in innovation and new tech that enables the Green Transition. 


  • Mr. Emil Akander, Trade Commissioner and Head of Region South and Southeast Asia, Business Sweden 


  • Mr. Marcus Wallenberg, Chairman, SEB 

  • Ms. Jacqueline Poh, MD, Economic Development Board (EDB) of Singapore 



Networking lunch


Parallel Sessions

During the afternoon, break-out sessions will be organised on selected topics. The sessions are designed to drive interactive and forward-leaning discussions that inspire deeper collaboration across different industries, skill sets, and experiences. Each session will have Swedish, Singaporean, and regional participants from business, government, and academia. 


Session 1) Regional discussion on large projects within the energy, infrastructure, and transportation.

This session will discuss how stakeholders from Sweden and the region can improve innovative and sustainable collaboration within energy, infrastructure, and transportation, to drive the green transformation as well as opportunity for knowledge transfer and experience sharing.

Welcome Address by Mr. Jan Larsson, CEO, Business Sweden. 

Panel Discussion moderated by Mr. Ravi Chidambaram, Founder & President of TC Capital, Executive Director and Co-Founder of RIMM, Adjunct Professor in Sustainability at Yale-NUS college.

Panellists (1st session)

• Mr. Robert Andrén, Director General, Swedish Energy Agency

• Ms. Anna-Karin Jatko, Director General, EKN - the Swedish Export Credit Agency

• Ms. Samira Abbasinejad, Global Head of Bid & Proposals HVDC, Hitachi Energy

• Mr. Kok Khai Yang, Executive Director, Operational Excellence, Keppel Infrastructure

• Mr. Ralph Foong, Deputy Chief Executive, Sustainable Supply Division, Energy Market Authority of Singapore

Panellists (2nd session)

• Mr. Magnus Montan, CEO, SEK - the Swedish Export Credit Corporation

• Ms. Maria Håkasson, CEO, Swedfund

• Mr. Ib Jensen, CEO, Perstorp

• Prof. Roy Ling, Board Member, VinFast Group

• Dr. Priyaantha D.C. Wijayatunga, Senior Director, Energy Sector Office, Asian Development Bank



Session 2) Attracting and Developing Talent in an era of a Green Transition 

This session will discuss the key knowledge and talent obstacles for the Green Transition, and how should they be addressed.

Panel Discussion: Research, Innovation & Talent for the Green Transition 

Moderator: Prof. Wai Fong Boh, President’s Chair of Information Systems, Deputy Dean, Nanyang Technological University (NTU)


• Prof. Anders Söderholm, President KTH - Royal Institute of Technology

• Ms. Darja Isaksson, Director General, Vinnova - Sweden's Innovation Agency

• Prof. Wai Fong Boh, President's Chair of Information Systems, Deputy Dean, NTU Business School

• Prof. Subodh Mhaisalkar, Executive Director (Academic Research), National Research Foundation of Singapore

• Dr. Gog Soon Joo, Chief Skills Officer, SkillsFuture Singapore

• Mr. Lawrence Wu, Chief Financial Officer & Executive Director, EDPR APAC

• Ms. Heba Eltarifi, Managing Director, Southeast Asia, Scania

• Ms. Kristine Ahlborg Delvin, Global Graduate within Sustainbility, SKF Group and Foundation Asset Management AB (FAM)

• Mr Martin Serenius UG Economics Student at SSE (Stockholm School of Economics)

• Mr. Justin Lee Keat Young, MBA Student (Sustainability & Innovation Track)



Session 3) Transforming global health-care systems a towards more efficiency, resilience, and sustainability 

The current state of healthcare systems worldwide presents a multifaceted challenge, marked by inefficiencies, vulnerabilities, and sustainability concerns. 

Welcome Address by Mr. Anders Sjöberg, Ambassador of Sweden to Singapore

Moderator: Prof. Martin Bergö, Vice President, Karolinska Insitutet

The Swedish healthcare delegation is led by Dr. Björn Zoega, CEO at Karolinska University Hospital and the Vice President of Karolinska Institutet Prof. Martin Bergö and consists of the highest-level representation from some of the most renowned Swedish healthcare and life science companies and organisations including CEO of Getinge, CEO of Elekta, and regional representatives from AstraZeneca.


  • Dr. Björn Zoëga, CEO, Karolinska Hospital  
  • Dr. Tan Weng Mooi, Director InHealth, MoH Office for Healthcare Transformation 
  • Prof Kenneth Kwek, Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer (Innovation & Informatics), SingHealth and CEO of Singapore General Hospital  
  • Prof Aymeric Lim, Chief Executive Officer of the National University Hospital, National University Health System 
  • Dr. Tang Kong Choong , Deputy CEO, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, National Healthcare Group 
  • Mr. Mattias Perjos, President & CEO, Getinge 
  • Mr. Gustaf Salford, CEO, Elekta 
  • Ms. Suyeon Kim, Country President, AstraZeneca Singapore 



18:00- 21:00

Innovation Night

Networking dinner at the Swedish Ambassador's Residence. 


Mr. Anders Sjöberg, Ambassador of Sweden to Singapore

Mr. Nicholas A. Nash, Managing Partner and Co-Founder of Asia Partners. Former Group President of Sea, Greater Southeast Asia’s leading internet company, from 2014 to 2018

Mr. Johan Forssell, Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, Sweden