Svenskt Näringsliv Partner
The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise brings together 60,000 companies and 48 industry and employer organisations. We are true to our name: we are the voice of Swedish enterprise. We work on issues that are important to all companies, irrespective of sector and size. Our role is also to provide a voice to all those companies and sectors that do not yet exist, but that may emerge in the future if the conditions and business climate are right.The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise produces concrete proposals for measures and reforms that improve the business climate for Swedish businesses. We provide knowledge and inform opinion. We seek to influence politicians and other decisionmakers. We represent business in discussions with unions and authorities. We give Swedish business a voice.
We believe that it is businesses that builds the future. Future challenges - be they jobs, the economy, the climate, infrastructure, or welfare – require new solutions, innovations, and capital to be addressed. Business are the solution to this. Business also binds the world together through trade. Trade between people, companies, and countries benefits everyone. Businesses is crucial not only for the society we live in today, but also for the society we want to build for the future. Therefore, our mission is to secure a better business climate, successful companies, and thereby secure jobs, which in turn will create a better world.
Swedish leadership in making circularity the tool to bridge mitigation and adaptation
Sunday December 3, 2023 11:00 - 11:40 +04 Swedish Pavilion
Contact information
Madeleine Svenberg Partner
Climate Policy Expert
Svenskt Näringsliv