Feeding a megacity within the Planetary boundaries and what will it mean for the built environment Video on demand
Sunday December 10, 2023 14:00 - 14:40 +04 Swedish Pavilion
Partner: Ragn-Sells
New York – 19th of September, the launch of the www.10billionchallenge.org was done
How to supply food to 10 billion people living om the planet is the theme and here we will invite innovators, entrepreneurs, enterprises to be part in solving the quest. Ragn-Sells at Climate Week NYC: Feeding a megacity within planetary boundaries (ragnsells.com) – material economics/McKinsey has made a very interesting – high level - analysis of the potential saving for city like New York implementing our Aqua2N, and the NY city will probably save several 100 of millions of US$ when todays wastewater plants become the future resource plants.
In this context Ragn-Sells would like to bridge with the built environment and highlight on different reuse of materials within the construction sector, such as the paint in the Pavilion and contribute with Nordic insights already collected from the Roundtables and published within its recent report: rs_construction_insight_report_final_230619.pdf (ragnsells.com).
On the other hand, UNEP is putting great efforts to reduce the consumption and has recently published a report: Building Materials And The Climate: Constructing A New Future | UNEP - UN Environment Programme. Therefore, a need of synergy and cooperation with other relevant stakeholders is necessary for the reach of Planetary boundaries.
Moderator: Eli Jacobsen
- Pär Larshans, Director of Sustainability, Ragn-Sells
- Jan Svärd, CEO, EasyMining
- Agnes Svensson, Design manager, Form Us with Love
- Dr. Sara Stiernström, Product manager, EasyMining
- Jonathan Duwyn, Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (Global ABC), UNEP Paris
- Lise Coermann Nygaard, Danish Delegate to FN on Climate and Environment with the Nordics team, Danish Delegate to UN (DUF) Danish Foreign Ministry
- Henry Tegnér, Head of strategy and sustainability, AFRY
- Dr. Omar Daraghmeh, Senior Advisor, Global Carbon Council (GCC)
- Camilla Sonnentheil, Business Development, Ragn-Sells Sweden
- Jon Lille-Schulstad, Business Development, Ragn-Sells Norway
- Kurt Emil Eriksen, Director Public Affairs North, Central and Eastern Europe, VELUX A/S