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European Viable Cities Day Video on demand

Friday December 8, 2023 16:00 - 16:40 +04 Swedish Pavilion

Viable Cities and the European Commission’s representation in Sweden in partnership with Sweden’s pavilion at COP28 are pleased to invite you to the sixth European Viable Cities Day on December 8, 2023 – a bridge between the Swedish and European efforts towards the mission of climate neutral and sustainable cities by 2030. 

With seven years to go to reach the mission of climate neutral cities, action is needed now. Radical implementation is of the essence. The movement to accelerate the climate transition and pave the way for many others is growing and gaining momentum. 

At European Viable Cities Day, 23 Swedish cities representing 40% of the Swedish population, six government agencies and high level representatives from business and academia gathers to make this happen. This year, Stockholm and Madrid have received the official EU Mission Label as the first two European capitals. During the event, there will be a special ceremony to highlight this achievement, as well as the signing ceremony of the Swedish Climate City Contracts. 

Viable Cities is a Swedish national innovation platform and Sweden's biggest initiative for Climate Neutral Cities, jointly funded by the Swedish Energy Agency, Vinnova and Formas. 


  • André Hedberg, Sr. Project Manager at Business Sweden

  • Per Grankvist, Chief Storyteller at Viable Cities, from House of Europe in Stockholm


  • Annika Wäppling Korzinek, Head of European Commission Representation in Sweden 
  • Cecilia Schelin Seidegård, Chair, Viable Cities 
  • Anders Wijkman, Vice Chair, Viable Cities 
  • Olga Kordas , Programme Director, Viable Cities 
  • Allan Larsson, Former ChairViable Cities 
  • Leo Huberts, Directorate-General for Mobility & Transport, European Commission 
  • Julio Lumbreras, Programme Director, CitiES2030