Building a resilient global supply chain Video on demand
Tuesday December 5, 2023 09:10 - 09:50 +04 Swedish Pavilion
Partner: Hitachi Energy
The transition to clean energy hinges on clean energy technology supply chains and this is becoming increasingly relevant when it comes to longer gestation infrastructure development like power grids.
As the energy transition accelerates globally and the share of electricity in the energy system increases from 20% to over 50% by 2050, we are looking at a four times increase in generation capacity and a three-fold increase in transfer capacity across our grids. When it comes to power grids, there are increasing concerns if supply chains could cope with the massive needs to address capacity and complexity across the value chain, from critical minerals and components like semiconductors to key products like transformers, switchgear, high voltage cables and HVDC equipment.
The IEA estimates that USD $1.2 trillion of cumulative investment would be required to bring enough manufacturing capacity online by 2030 for the world to stay on track to meet its climate and energy goals. Announced investments still only cover around 60% of the total investment needed. It is also increasingly evident that while approaches such as re-shoring and friend-shoring are being considered global supply chains would be essential for success if we are to address scale and speed.
During this session, panelists will discuss current clean energy supply chain challenges, potential solutions and wider considerations such as national, regional and global industrial strategies as well as incentives and stimuli to spur investments and help accelerate the energy transition.
Moderator: Giles Dickson, CEO, Wind Europe
- Ebba Busch, Deputy PM & Minister for Energy, Business & Industry, Sweden
- Ernie Moniz, CEO, EFI Foundation and Former Secretary for Energy, United States
- Jason Bordoff, Founding Director of the Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia University
- Claudio Facchin, CEO, Hitachi Energy