COP28: Key Takeaways and What's Next Video on demand
Monday December 11, 2023 15:45 - 16:00 +04 Swedish Pavilion
On the occasion of the 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28), the Swedish Embassy and DGVN invite you to a hybrid event with panel discussion and live link to COP28 in Dubai to draw a first conclusion of the achievements of the climate conference.
Will COP28 send the important signal of increased ambition and action, not at least from the biggest emitters, that the climate crisis so urgently requires? This question will stand at the centre of our event, which takes place in the final hours of the climate negotiations. Close to the pulse of the negotiations, we want to discuss what results can be expected and what priorities will be set by Sweden, Germany and other parties at COP28.
Moderator: Jule Zentek
- Mattias Frumerie, Swedish Climate Ambassador and Head of Delegation to UNFCCC, MFA Sweden
- Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Carolin Maluck, Member of the board, The United Nations Association of Germany