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Leveraging Grid Interconnectors Video on demand

Monday December 4, 2023 11:10 - 11:50 +04 Swedish Pavilion

Partner: Hitachi Energy

As countries strive to achieve ambitious energy and climate goals, particularly through the integration of large volumes of renewables, grid interconnections become increasingly important. Today, interconnections linking different power systems within and between countries and regions allow electricity to flow according to patterns of supply and demand, while simultaneously enhancing system reliability, security, and resilience. In fact, increasing interconnection capacity is now becoming crucial as we focus on maximising the penetration of variable renewables globally. Europe has set the benchmark when it comes to interconnectors, being the world’s largest interconnected grid with more than 400 interconnectors and, according to ENTSO-E, 40 more planned by 2030. However, other regions are also progressing. The SIEPAC (Central American Electrical Interconnection System) project links the power grids of six Central American nations since 2013. Meanwhile, ASEAN countries created the ASEAN Power Grid programme in 1997 and the ASEAN Interconnection Masterplan Study has identified numerous benefits from increased interconnectivity.

During this discussion, panelists will share lessons learned and experiences from developing major interconnection projects to accelerate the integration of renewables across geographies.

Moderator: Dr Arunabha Ghosh, CEO, CEEW


• Jisman Hutajulu, DG of Electricity, Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources, Indonesia

• Hilde Tonne, CEO, Statnett

• Claudio Facchin, CEO, Hitachi Energy