Header image for The Nordics @ Future Battery Forum



The Future Battery Forum is the leading conference for the European battery industry. For the second time, the Nordic Battery Collaboration is arranging tailored activities during and post-conference, which is held in Berlin from 5-6 November 2024.

The Future Battery Forum is Europe's leading management conference, bringing together over 1,000 high-level attendees, 100+ sponsors & exhibitors and 80 high-profile speakers, targeting C-level decision makers, political decisions makers, researchers and innovative frontrunners dedicated solely to battery industry advancement. 

The 2024 Conference will convene private and public sector leaders at the forefront of ground-breaking battery projects to share the latest advancements and collaborate towards accelerated deployment. 


  • Gain exposure as part of the Nordic narrative at Europe’s leading battery conference and access the senior global battery network that attends the fair
  • Leverage Nordic networks and relationships to fast track your commercial engagement in Germany, through business matching & networking
  • Benefit from the Nordic Stand in the exhibition hall and thematic content, as well as a Nordic panel on stage during the conference program
  • Receive full access at a discounted price to the Future Battery Forum including conference sessions, exhibition space, and a site visit


The conference as well as the Nordic activities are meant for ambitious and innovative actors from across the battery value chain, wanting to reach senior industry figures and decision makers, attend high-value keynotes, panel discussion, and strengthen battery chains with European and global partners.

  • Solution providers in lifecycle and sustainability including recycling and second-life application
  • Component suppliers including electrolysis, anode, cathode producers
  • Energy storage system providers
  • Application areas including industrials and transportation
  • Public sector stakeholders including regions, municipalities and government agencies
  • Researchers and academia


Deadline: 18 October

Register here


5-6 November 2024


EUR 300 (excl. VAT)  per participant


The participation fee is to attend the Nordic activities organised by the Nordic Battery Collaboration.

Please note participants are separately required to obtain tickets to the Future Battery Forum. Participants in the Nordic activities are eligible for an exclusive 30% discount on Forum tickets. A promotion code will be provided after registration for the Nordic activities.

Participants are responsible for their own travel-related reservations and fees, such as flights, hotel, transfers, and meals outside of the Nordic activities at the Future Battery Forum.