Header image for Sweden-Singapore Agri-Food Tech Delegation

Delegation Agenda 2024

For 2024, two different tracks have been prepared. The first is aimed at businesses or research institutions looking for research or scientific collaboration, or just to see if Singapore has the right market fit. The second track is aimed at companies looking to take the next step in securing their seed funding or commercialize their products in the region. 

Both tracks will have you meet local startups, venture capitalists, government stakeholders, and visit public institutions instrumental in building the agri-food tech landscape. 

Scroll down to see more:

DISCOVERY TRACK:  Innovation & R&D focused

Companies looking to discover Singapore and if it has a market fit

This 4-day event focuses on providing you with a crash course on Singapore’s agri-food technology ecosystem, connecting you to innovation and research opportunities, business leaders, venture capitalists, and government stakeholders.

Key Features:

  • Introduction to Singapore and visit the Agri-food Expo and Summit
  • Meetings with Singapore's key stakeholders, research institutions, government agencies, and accelerators
  • Visits to Singapore-based Agri-Tech companies and Institutions of Higher Learning
  • Participate in a VC fundraise pitching session 

Additionally, Business Sweden will…

  • Provide accommodation recommendations
  • Arrange transportation and food
  • Follow up in facilitating post-event meetings
  • Provide tickets to the Agri-food Technology Summit (Optional; sold separately)

SHOWCASE TRACK: Business Matching

Companies to demo their solutions and find leads in Singapore

This 5-day event aims to assist companies already acquainted with the Singapore business environment and interested in showcasing their technologies to meet market demand. Additionally, the program aims to explore the necessary next steps to initiate your venture in Singapore.

Key Features

  • Physical showcase in the Nordic exhibition booth with branding exposure
  • A sandbox speaking opportunity at the Singapore Agri-food Expo
  • Meetings with Singapore's key stakeholders, research institutions, government agencies, and accelerators
  • Visits to Singapore-based Agri-Tech companies and Institutions of Higher Learning
  • Participate in a VC fundraise pitching session

Additionally, Business Sweden will…

  • Assist with pre-arrival support, facilitate demo products, accommodation recommendation
  • Arrange transportation and food
  • Follow up in facilitating post-event meetings
  • Arrange pre-meeting meeting with government stakeholders to get up to speed on Singapore’s landscape
  • Provide tickets to the Agri-food Technology Summit (Optional; sold separately)

Both tracks will be updated as the event dates get closer