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Spowdi Partner

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Small-hold farmers produce one-third of our global food. There are 500 million small-hold farms worldwide, employing about 2 billion people, making them crucial stakeholders in the food production systems. But often small-hold farmers lack access to resources and green technologies to lower dependencies on fossil fuels, reduce water use and improve productivity. Small-hold farmers are also among the first to be impacted by climate change and depleting water tables in food producing regions. These factors make small-hold farming increasingly unprofitable for farming communities, thereby impacting livelihoods, and making the global food production chain more volatile.

Spowdi’s innovative technology and last-mile distribution mechanism offers climate stakeholders the opportunity to accelerate a green transition, reduce water stress and lower carbon emissions in global food production. Spowdi’s solar-powered precision mobile irrigation technology to move and distribute water is proven across geographies to enable small-hold farmers to grow significantly more food in up to 80% less water as compared with flood irrigation. Better and more crop yield is crucial for local communities and to feed a growing population. The transformation from flood irrigation to smart farming is tracked and measured at every farm, making the impact outcome measurable in real terms.

Spowdi’s green-tech solution empowers small-hold farmers to become impact generators in building a future-proof food production system. However, like all impact generators and entrepreneurs, they require a financial ‘kick-start’ and access to financial resources to de-risk the transition.

At COP28, Spowdi invites climate stakeholders to join us as impact enablers and accelerate a transformation at scale, to a more productive, sustainable and resilient food production system.


Resilient food production systems - Enabling Impact Generators through Innovation

Sunday December 10, 2023 13:00 - 13:40 +04 Swedish Pavilion

Contact information



Jakob Kiefer Partner

Executive Board Member

Rupali Mehra Partner

Chief Marketing Officer